and the second thing is that when someone wins the game, the victory screen takes way too long. because for one, players that are eliminated have a higher chance of staying to spectate the last two because.the wonder who’s gonna win the 1v1 because…you jus do. for the third round it should be 4 qualifiers and then make a 4th round and have that as 2 qualifiers. and that isn’t very satisfying to play and doesn’t build enough suspense AT ALL. but to make this game wayyyy better is to add more rounds…right now the rounds are like this, the first round has 16 qualifiers…2nd round: 8 qualifiers…3rd: 1 qualifier. i would definitely recommend playin this game. Okay now see first of all…you guys should be very proud of this game because it jus so happens that this is the first mobile game that i consistently play and have played since fortnite mobile🙃🙃 AND this is like the first time i’ve ever written a review onna game before. Developers read this if you actually care about makin the game better❗️